How To Catch Butterflies and Dragonflies in Zoo Craft

If you're going about completing your Zoo Craft Regular Tasks, you may have come across a task called: Entomologist  - Catch three butterflies or dragonflies.

Sound like fun, but how on earth do you catch a butterfly or a dragonfly?

I'm about to tell ya how!

How to Catch Butterflies and Dragonflies on Zoo Craft

1. Click on the bus, which is located just outside of your zoo gate.

2. Click the green 'Visit Other Zoo' button, which will take you to a random stranger's zoo.

3. Zoom out and scroll around the person's zoo, searching for fluttering wings. The picture below shows an example of a butterfly.

4. Once you spot a butterfly or dragonfly, click on it to claim the prize.

5. Click the bus icon in the right-hand bottom corner to go to another random zoo
OR click the house icon in the left-hand bottom corner to go home to your own zoo.

Some extra tips for your hunt

  • There is generally only one butterfly or dragonfly per stranger's zoo, but some can randomly have 2 or 3 flying in a cluster.
  • Occasionally, there will be a zoo with no butterflies or dragonflies at all, which is a bummer, but just move on to the next zoo!
  • Butterflies and dragonflies will either be found sitting on top of one of the kiosks, or flying through the air - just look for the fluttering wings.
  • Dragonflies fly around faster than butterflies and are a little harder to catch. 
  • There are never butterflies in your own zoo, you have to travel to strangers' zoos in order to find them.

Happy Zoo-Crafting everybody!

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